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A Child's Prayer
Eighteen songs on the basic principles of the Church make up this beautiful, well-loved children's collection. Includes several songs by Janice's kids, Steve and Lynne.

This title no longer available on cassette; however, the vocal recording of all songs from this album are included on the "70 Favorite Children's Songs by Janice Kapp Perry" double CD.

The Custom Minus CD is a karaoke CD minus the lead vocals but may have backing vocals on some songs.
Song Titles
A Child's Prayer
What Would Jesus Do
To Ev'ry Nation
My Own Little Lamp
The Word of Wisdom
Ezra Taft Benson
I Love the Book of Mormon
I Come to the Water
Sing for the Lord is Listening
My Own Family
Faith is Believing
A Boy Named Joseph Smith
I Pray in Faith
The Sabbath Was Made For Man
I Know My Father Loves Me
Jesus Understands Children
A Boy Like Me
At Conference Time

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